Italian-Roasted Zucchini

Ingredients: 4 zucchinis  ¼ oz rosemary  ¼ oz sage ¼ oz oregano  Directions: Cut zucchinis in half lengthwise and set aside  Chop rosemary and sage if fresh (if dried, pieces should already be small enough) and mix in oil with the oregano and salt  Place zucchinis cut side up on baking tray and brush oil…

Spanish Rice

Ingredients: 2 cups long grain rice  2 large tomatoes  1 yellow onion  Directions:  Small dice onion and sweat in pan with oil (10 min)  Remove onions from pan and set aside  Oil pan and roast raw rice in pan until the rice begins to brown  Blend or manually crush the tomatoes Add onions, tomato, 4…

Cinnamon Sweet Potatoes

Ingredients: 4 Sweet potatoes  1 Tablespoon cinnamon  Salt  Oil  Directions Halve sweet potatoes Lay on baking sheet with the cut side facing up  Brush on oil and salt  Sprinkle potatoes with cinnamon  Bake in 350-degree oven for 50 min to 1 hour or until you can easily poke through the potato with a knife [table…

Roasted Zucchini

Ingredients: 4 zucchinis  Thyme  Garlic  2 oz olive oil  Directions: Cut zucchini lengthwise and crosshatch with a sharp knife  Salt and set aside for 10 min  Chop herbs and add to olive oil in a small bowl  Wipe off the zucchinis with a paper towel (the salt will have drawn out moisture from the zucchinis) …