Roasted Zucchini

Ingredients: 4 zucchinis  Thyme  Garlic  2 oz olive oil  Directions: Cut zucchini lengthwise and crosshatch with a sharp knife  Salt and set aside for 10 min  Chop herbs and add to olive oil in a small bowl  Wipe off the zucchinis with a paper towel (the salt will have drawn out moisture from the zucchinis) …

Potato Fajitas

Ingredients:  4 russet potatoes (8 of a smaller variety)  2 bell peppers any color  1 red onion  1 yellow onion  Taco seasoning pack  Directions:  Cut bell peppers and onions into strips and set aside  If using russet potatoes peel them, if other variety no need to peel  Large dice potatoes (if not cooking immediately put…